My Name is Alessandro – a.k.a. YouTube’s Most FUN Copywriter…

It’s me – the guy who’s BEEN trying to teach you how to stand out as a copywriter, instead of following the masses of boooooring marketers.

If you want to become a one-of-a-kind copywriter and have a good laugh while doing so…

(read: get hired and publicly praised by your clients)

You’re at the right damn place. Over here, we despise the average dull direct-response gurus – and we love copy that makes us giggle like little children. See for yourself…

Reason #1 to join my email list:

I literally WAS you.

I found out about copywriting through the weirdest course in the world – HU2. That was just an ABISSMAL amount of teenagers on a quest to “retire their mothers in 3 months”.

Well, well, well… Didn’t work quite as intended, huh?

“Okay, time to give this up, my life is a lie and I’ll always suck” – I raised my arms in defeat after months of getting no results…

AND THEN… Fast forward to June 2024!!!

Your imagination right now:

I was travelling the world, making $427472842 a month, literally retiring every person I came across.

I still had 0 clients to my name.

Familiar scenario, huh? Not for long, my friend. Me and my funny emails are here for you.

June 2024 is when I started to take this seriously – and for some time, it made me BROOOKE. I spent everything I had on courses and applying to a billion different UpWork jobs…

I mean, this is what I ate twice a day for quite some time…

Okay, no… It wasn’t THAT bad. It just felt like it.


“For sure NOW he will flex with all the achievements and riches he’s got!” – your guru-infested mind whispers…


Once again, you are incorrect! 0/2 for you… You’re a bit slow, aren’t you? 

However, that is when I started closing my first couple of clients and got a couple of these beautiful testimonials: 


I fixed the mistakes and everyone was happy. Anyway, I meant to show you these 🙂

THAT’S what I meant by “public praise”.

It wasn’t just one article. I kept getting MORE and MORE work…

Oh yeah… He loves the style 😎

Now I’m steadily growing my copywriting business and I’m having the time of my life while doing so.

I’m not going to lie and tell you that I’ve made millions with copywriting, but hear me out…

That’s precisely why I’m the best guy to help you.

I know EXACTLY what you’re struggling with – your doubts, your confusion, your lack of confidence, your procrastination issues… 

I know what it feels like to try every single tactic and still fail miserably…

I understand the fear of disappointing yourself and everyone you told you’ll be mega-rich in 6 months…

I hate when beginner courses cost $4000 just as much as you do…

And most of all, I DESPISE people who sell you a template INSTEAD of teaching you how to be a special copywriter AAAAARGHHHH!!!

Ahem… I think you get the point. I’ll teach you how to stand out as a copywriter and write copy that’s more entertaining than Netflix.



... are you serious?

One reason wasn’t enough for you to opt in?

You need more conviction than those lame attempts at flexing testimonials?

Not cool, but fine. Jokes on you though, I enjoy writing hypnotizing copy.

Reason #2 to join my email list:

You’ll be a MUCH better copywriter after reading my emails…

… which is NOT something most copywriting gurus can say.

If you’ve been in the space for some time, you probably know what the gurus’ emails look like. They’re just trying to shame you into buying:

“I’m so cool and successful, and you SUCK. Start working.”

“Just grind more and one day you’ll be rich and loved like me.”

“The dentist told me I grind even in my sleep.”


For them, you’re just a part of a funnel.

Here… Well… You’re also part of a funnel and I WILL try to sell you stuff. However, you’ll be a bit better at copywriting each time you read one of my emails.

 They’ll be so ENTERTAINING that you’ll become funnier just by interacting with them…

… and I’ll NEVER sell you beginner stuff for insanely high prices. Did I already mention I hate that?

In the name of direct response marketing, here’s what you’ll get by opting in to my fun-based email list:

  • An unusual welcome sequence that you can literally STEAL and close clients with (I did the same and it worked gracefully)

  • Tips specifically designed to take you from “UpWork sucks” to “Hey Dad, my hourly rate is twice as high as yours. Take THAT!”

  • Lessons about how YOU can create a unique copywriting identity and conquer your dream clients.

  • Story-based mini lessons that you can learn from every day (the gurus would say it’s all about consistency…)

  • How I write these beautiful, delightful, irresistible, mouth-watering BULLET POINTS!

  • Hm… What else?

  • Oh yeah, basically, you’ll learn how to write with style and humor. Am I or am I not YouTube’s most fun copywriter?

Stop with your excuses. Put in the work. Retire your whole neighborhood now.

Admit it man, by now you’re just reading ‘cause you love the way I write.

Whatever… Reason #3 to join my email list:

I didn’t want to use a lead magnet to make you opt-in just to flex how good I am.

But since you decided to SOOOO difficult, I’ll give you something, but I won’t tell you WHAT it is…

Just so I can still say you opted in without a bribe 🙂

What I will tell you though, is that it’ll help you [smisli kasnije].